Nick Hills
I'm Nick, I have been working in the town for over 20 years now undertaking lots of different jobs. I originally trained as a boat builder spending many years specialising on broads yachts. I have sailed on a Tall ship from Scotland visiting Denmark, Norway and many other places on the way. My two children our World champions in karate in their age category which has taken and still takes up most of my evenings and weekends!!

Jason Devereux
I'm Jason, previously a helicopter mechanic in the Royal Navy, so I have an eye and want for perfection.
When I'm not working I enjoy time with my dog and family, or on circuit with friends in our track car.
The way to my heart is through my stomach and a toad in the hole is one of my favourite meals.

Sally Renaut
Sales & Accounts
I'm Sally and here to help if I can, if I cant I will find a way to or someone who can.
I have two boys, a dog and a cat so not much gets past me or scares me. Down time for me is a nice glass of red and a Hugh Jackman film.
I like helping people and hope I can help you make the right choices and decisions, if you have any queries just ask.

Bron Stratton
I'm Bron, I have been in the industry since 2014. I have a love for coffee and enjoy the company of dinosaurs, if I was to be a dinosaur I would be a Velociaptor.
In my spare time I will be in the gym keeping fit to enable me to enjoy chocolate treat.
Robert Nelmes
Hi I'm Rob, my passion out side of bathrooms is painting, I run classes at the weekends to enable others to improve the skills they have. An evening for me is to get home and take my dog for a stroll around the countryside looking for my next inspiration for a painting.
I enjoy a laugh and you will always find me smiling. I don't like cheese cake, its just wrong, but a custard tart - now you're talking!

Callum Weller
I'm Callum, I am new to the team and in year 5 of my apprenticeship and relishing the chance of finishing it with my new collages.
My Favourite colour is black, in my free time I enjoy spending time with my family and playing with my little brother.
I enjoy watching films and my favourite is the fast and furious series.